
Arena for public-private health collaboration in Oslo Science Park

Health2B is a collaboration arena where public and private sector meet to discuss, innovate and create solutions for future healthcare.

Main partners are Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Norway Health Tech and Oslo Science Park.

Read more about Health2B

La ideer bli til godt profesjonelt innhold i Health2B-studioet

Visste du at Health2B har et fantastisk bra lyd- og filmstudio?

Testing cuff-free blood pressure measurement

Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of several diseases, and since high blood pressure can easily go unnoticed, it makes sense to measure it occasionally. But have you ever noticed feeling a bit more tense when the blood pressure cuff tightens around your arm? At the Health2B offices in Oslo Science Park, volunteers have tested a new type of blood pressure monitor – without the cuff.

Creating innovative solutions for the healthcare sector

Health2B is a new arena where public and private actors in the healthcare industry can come together to solve tomorrow's challenges.

La ideer bli til godt profesjonelt innhold i Health2B-studioet

Visste du at Health2B har et fantastisk bra lyd- og filmstudio?

Testing cuff-free blood pressure measurement

Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of several diseases, and since high blood pressure can easily go unnoticed, it makes sense to measure it occasionally. But have you ever noticed feeling a bit more tense when the blood pressure cuff tightens around your arm? At the Health2B offices in Oslo Science Park, volunteers have tested a new type of blood pressure monitor – without the cuff.

Creating innovative solutions for the healthcare sector

Health2B is a new arena where public and private actors in the healthcare industry can come together to solve tomorrow's challenges.


Demo Days

for Norwegian & British Health Tech Companies in Oslo

Demo Days

for Norwegian & British Health Tech Companies in Oslo

Demo Days

for Norwegian & British Health Tech Companies in Oslo

Health2B Open

FemTech4Future - helseteknologi på kvinners premisser

Health2B Open

FemTech4Future - helseteknologi på kvinners premisser