News from Oslo Science Park

Read interesting stories from companies and actors in the ecosystem.

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Ledidi Core: Sikker deling av forsknings- og helsedata

Se for deg at en gruppe forskere ved flere ulike institusjoner skal samarbeide. Da trenger de tilgang på hverandres data på en enkel måte, samtidig som sikkerhet og personvern blir ivaretatt. Det norske selskapet Ledidi har funnet en løsning.

New innovation hub for students

UiO iHub is a new space for innovative students at Oslo Science Park. The hub is run by students with support from the UiO Growth House and the University of Oslo.

Oslo, Home of the Spray Can

Did you know that the spray can was invented in Oslo?

New 87 square meter mural unveiled

If you continue along Gaustadalléen past the entrance to Oslo Science Park, you can now see an original artwork by the renowned British artist Xenz. The mural is a gift to Oslo from the Tekna Oslo department.

Unique opportunities for growth companies at Oslo Science Park

Over 3,000 people from academia, research and business have their daily workplace in Oslo Science Park, midway between Gaustad and Blindern in Oslo. Our tenants form a unique ecosystem for innovation, value creation and commercialization of research.

Kavli Prize Winners in Oslo Science Park

The Kavli Prize is awarded annually to eight of the world's leading researchers in astrophysics, neuroscience and nanoscience. This year's award winners in nanoscience gave their laureate lectures at Oslo Science Park.

Photoncycle: Dreaming of eternal sunshine

The problem is as simple as the solution is complicated: How to make the solar energy last until winter? Bjørn Brandtzæg and Photoncycle believe they have the solution that can make private households self-sufficient in electricity.

Exhibition on the history of the spray can and street art

Did you know that the spray can was invented in Oslo? "Oslo, Home of the Spray Can" is an exhibition with historical objects, archival documentation and curated artworks that pays tribute to Erik Rotheim's invention from 1926 and the art movements it formed the basis for - graffiti and later street art.

The kindergarten welcomes insects

The initiative to replace the grass lawns surrounding Oslo Science Park with flower meadows started in the summer of 2023. This will benefit the area's biological diversity and provide an insect sanctuary. Now, the children at Forskningsparken Montessori kindergarten are working on their own accommodation for small critters.

Get to know the neighborhood!

Oslo Science Park and the surrounding neighborhood are host to multiple science and research institutes, academic institutions, and innovative companies. And believe it or not, the area also boasts a few attractions beyond the workplace!

Årsrapport for 2023

Der forskning møter næringsliv.

"Make sure to attract investors who listen to you. The best investors are experts in their field, but they are also aware of what they do not know."

As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to say yes to everything and everyone offering you financing. But think twice before entering a partnership with someone who cannot add value to the company in terms of expertise, is the message from Pekka Simula from Innovestor.

Meet future entrepreneurs at the Norwegian Championship for Student Companies

On June 6th, students from all over the country will gather at Oslo Science Park to compete for the title of "Norway's best student company". They will also gain unique experiences for the future.

Duck on the Roof

They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Maybe so, but we can at least say that we currently have one, and soon more birds in the bushes at Oslo Science Park.

La ideer bli til godt profesjonelt innhold i Health2B-studioet

Visste du at Health2B har et fantastisk bra lyd- og filmstudio?

Mapping DNA in all Norwegian species

"The biological diversity of Earth is threatened. Understanding and preserving species will therefore be crucial for the survival and prosperity of humanity," says a professor at the University of Oslo. The Norwegian part of the global Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) is now gathering forces from all of academic Norway, as well as representatives from the business sector, to DNA sequence everything from ferns to bears.

New dPCR core facility in ShareLab

On a mission to establish dPCR as a mainstream technology in the Norwegian biotech industry, QIAGEN has selected ShareLab as the base for a new “industrial core facility”.

Co-Create: Creative student innovation

The coffee tables are made of pallets, and there are an above-average number of post-it notes in circulation when a group of students is gathered at Oslo Science Park for some "design thinking". Co-Create is a joint initiative by and for colleges and universities in the Oslo area where students are encouraged to solve real world problems through entrepreneurship and startups.

HealthHACK: Students on the hunt for intelligent health solutions

For the third consecutive year, OsloMet recently organized HealthHACK. This time it was in collaboration with The Life Science Cluster in Oslo Science Park. Students were challenged with real issues related to health and technology.

Launching a new network for women in health and life sciences

Women in Life Science Norway – WiLD Norway for short – is a membership network for professional exchange, mentorship, board training, networking events, and resources to help women achieve their full potential in leadership and board roles.

Power and the capital gap: Lise Fulland on why 9 of 10 entrepreneurs are men

One wouldn't think that one's gender impacts your choice to start a company. Nevertheless, according to 2020 data, 89% of all Norwegian companies are started by men, and 99% of all funding goes to male teams*. Despite grim statistics, Investment Partner at Startuplab, Lise Fulland, sees positive trends. But nothing happens on its own.

Connecting Nordic Life Science hot spots

How can the connections between Nordic life science hot spots like Oslo and Gothenburg be strengthened? And what does it take for the Nordics to truly embrace its joint critical mass of talent and innovative power on a global scale?

Testing cuff-free blood pressure measurement

Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of several diseases, and since high blood pressure can easily go unnoticed, it makes sense to measure it occasionally. But have you ever noticed feeling a bit more tense when the blood pressure cuff tightens around your arm? At the Health2B offices in Oslo Science Park, volunteers have tested a new type of blood pressure monitor – without the cuff.

Government initiative for the export of health industry launched at Oslo Science Park

This month, representatives from the entire spectrum of the Norwegian health industry gathered in Oslo Science Park's Trappa. Ministers Jan Kristian Vestre and Ingvild Kjerkhol presented 15 measures aimed at doubling the export revenues for the health industry by 2030.

Matnyttig: How to attract and retain foreign employees?

Two-thirds of all Norwegian companies lack important expertise, according to NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise). To assert ourselves in the competition for the sharpest minds, it is time to sharpen our efforts, says Mari Strømsvåg from the Oslo Region Alliance.

Find your community!

Over 3000 people work in Oslo Science Park. The chance that some of them share your interests, hobbies or goals is high. How about connecting with them? Oslo Science Park is now launching the new concept “Micro Communities” for all tenants in the park.

Introducing the Forskningsparken Community Fund

Oslo Science Park is now launching the "Forskningsparken Community Fund", an initiative made to encourage collaborative and community-driven activities. This fund is open to all members looking to meet over a shared interest or passion!

"Blue hydrogen is crucial for climate change."

Behind partially closed doors on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you'll find a maze of copper pipes, flasks, test tubes, nozzles, meters, and hoses. Here, researchers from the University of Oslo's Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) work. Among other things, they are trying to find solutions to our need for sustainable energy.

From Startuplab to one of the country's leading E-health companies

"It's going to be an uphill battle," was the feedback the founders faced at the beginning. Now, Diffia simplifies the daily lives of healthcare professionals and patients at several hospitals.

"We do this because it's necessary, not easy."

Norwegian company Aiba is developing technology to prevent online abuse against children. They have a unique product that people around the world need.

Targeting the root causes of inflammation and fibrosis

Arxx Therapeutics is merging with Oxitope Pharma and securing 862 million NOK from investors to finance the development of a new treatment for systemic sclerosis. The merged company will be named Calluna Pharma.

Hardwarelab: Build, test, repeat

If you walk through the glass corridor on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you will encounter something resembling a zoo for tech enthusiasts. It's Startuplab's workshop, Hardwarelab. Here, prototypes are developed, tested, modified, discarded—or end up as successful products.

Anette Sauve i Vitas lokaler

The Control Tower of Pharmaceuticals

At the top of Block A in Oslo Science Park sits the pharmaceutical industry's answer to Petter Smart and Aunt Sophie: the biotechnology company Vitas. There, highly skilled employees, including a group of robots, ensure that the medicines we use contain what they should.

Repair Café at the park

Together with Startuplab, Restarters Norway & Elkjøp we hosted Repair Café in Parken Bakeri. A total of 8 fixers helped fix a nerf-gun, an amplifier, a Luxo-lamp, a coffee grinder and much more. 

Halloween Party 2023

Takk til alle som deltok på årets Halloween Party og for innsatsen med flotte kostymer.

Collaborating with the world's largest battery manufacturers

Cenate develops and produces world-leading technology that aims to replace graphite in today's batteries.

Jens dropped out of school—now he creates teaching tools for teachers worldwide.

Curipod has combined AI and education, creating a teaching tool that fosters engagement in the classroom.

Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug

"To be part of starting something from nothing, to create the culture from scratch, that's what I want," asserts Heidi Frost Eriksen, the leader of Simli. Simli is the third company she has helped build, but before Heidi Frost Eriksen was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, she wasn't clear about what she wanted in life.

ShareLab: Scientists for Hire

If you're in need of an extra set of hands and skillset for your project but can't hire someone full-time, ShareLab might have the solution for you. Their "Scientist for Hire" service has been successfully running for a few years already.

Testing-one-two: Get the most out of your user testing

In UX-designer María Maurstad Ævarsdóttir’s experience, you can never be over-prepared when doing user testing. You should even test your own test! This is her step-by-step guide to success.

How they became world leaders in blood analysis

Biotech company Vitas is now a world leader in automated analysis of dried blood. Their story is as much a story about Oslo Science Park.

Med hjerte for realfag

Stadig færre elever i videregående skole velger spesialisering i matematikk, kjemi og fysikk. Samtidig svarer 8 av 10 ungdommer at realfag er viktig for samfunnet. Kan vi be dem velge utdanning med fornuft framfor lyst? Og er det pisk eller gulrot som må til? Fire personer med hjerte for realfag har svært ulike svar på det.

Paving the Way for the Health Industry

The government's investment in the health industry has been long anticipated, and the recently launched roadmap is a good description of the terrain but also has some shortcomings, according to key players.

Nå kan du pante i Forskningsparken

Unibottle tester i disse dager ut sin panteløsning for privatpersoner og bedrifter hvor du har muligheten til å levere panten rett i deres Unibox pantekontainer her i Forskningsparken og få panten rett inn på egen konto.

Get your vaccines checked out

"Don't believe that everyone else knows best. You have to dare to take the lead yourself! You learn so much more by trying and failing. Regardless, you can't expect everything to be perfect from the start."

Fighting battery fires in waste sorting

"We spoke with an experienced entrepreneur in the USA earlier this year, and he said, 'Have fun and get shit done!' That's something we try to remember."

Developing next generation of sunscreens

"Don’t give up! It is going to be harder than you think and take longer than you imagine, but my experience is that it all usually works out in the end."

Biodiversity at Oslo Science Park

Green spaces and biodiversity may not be what you most associate with Oslo Science Park. But did you know that there is both a pond, a stream, green roofs, and soon a flower meadow that contribute to creating life in the area around the park?

5 good reasons to choose a green commute to Oslo Science Park

People working in Oslo Science Park are more likely than others to choose environmentally friendly means of transportation to and from work, shows a survey from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences and The Institute of Transport Economics from 2018. Maybe because it is easy to achieve?  

Developing smart and rehabilitative beehives

Frenchman Christophe Brod left the telecommunications industry and dove right into the beekeeping industry. Now he and Beefutures are ready to initiate a small revolution in beehives.

Don't let your phone steal your sleep.

"Do you bring your phone into the bedroom? Is it the first thing you pick up when you wake up? If you also struggle with sleep, it might be wise to change routines, say the founders of Selah Sleep, Christine Øvstedal and Maria With Hoen."

Reusing your old electric vehicle battery

Discarded electric vehicle batteries are becoming a massive problem, and Evyon wants to fully utilize this "waste."

Don't let waste go to waste

Are you good at sorting your waste at work? The numbers show that you probably have some room for improvement. In 2022, everyone working in Oslo Science Park sorted about 55% of their waste. That means almost half of what was thrown away ended up in general waste.

Svinnet forsvinner

Det er i snitt 600 mennesker innom de to kantinene i Forskningsparken hver dag. Da gjelder det å beregne nok, men ikke for mye mat.

På jakt etter strømtyven

- Det er ikke alltid de mest synlige tiltakene som er de meste effektive, sier Erik Ersnes. Han er teknisk sjef for Forskningsparken og har god oversikt over energiforbruket i parken.

Aleap does something no other health incubators do

While other health incubators specialize, Aleap has kept its doors open to various fields. This approach has led to success. Now, they have doubled their office space and continue to grow with nearly 60 companies in their stable.

ShareLab has six new lab suites

There is a high level of activity at the lab incubator ShareLab, and now capacity is even better. At the same time, the first companies are on their way out of the "nest".

In search of clean water

"By combining traditional fields of expertise in new ways, you can find solutions to many problems," says the company's leader, Helene Ree Ruden.

Creating innovative solutions for the healthcare sector

Health2B is a new arena where public and private actors in the healthcare industry can come together to solve tomorrow's challenges.

Reinventing the microphone

Sverre Dale Moen was involved in establishing the tech success Chipcon in 1996. Now he is the CEO of SensiBel. What these companies have in common is that they emerge from researchers at SINTEF and have favorable growth conditions in Forskningsparken.

Driven by the desire to create world-class ventures

According to Odd Skarheim, the key to sustaining the growth of Norwegian startups and entrepreneurial businesses lies in the "simple" step of achieving success stories. The serial entrepreneur's main motivation is the desire to create something of top-notch quality.

"Suddenly, the innovations are there, and then you have to seize them."

Oslo Science Park is now gearing up to make it easier for researchers and students to bring their ideas into the world.

"Leader for a day"

This year, we had the pleasure of hosting 3 young leader talents who shadowed 3 top executives in Oslo Science Park as part of "Leader for a Day," an annual initiative by Ungt Entreprenørskap.

Bringing Norwegian vaccine technolgy to the world

Groundbreaking vaccines against cancer, infectious diseases, and the coronavirus are being developed at Oslo Science Park. The road to success has been unnecessarily steep, according to Norway's most successful biotechnology entrepreneur.

Forget classrooms and dull training videos

What do Equinor, Circle K, and Norwegian psychiatry have in common? They are all highly enthusiastic about the games developed by Attensi, growing from Oslo Science Park.

Aleap blant de 25 beste biotech inkubatorene i Europa

For første gang er Aleap inne på sin liste over de 25 beste biotech inkubatorene i Europa.

Vaccibody bygger milliardverdier i Forskningsparken

Vaccibody er en av Norges ledende biotekselskaper. Selskapet har en banebrytende teknologiplattform som brukes innenfor blant annet vaksiner mot kreft og infeksjonssykdommer.

Tester hvor mange som har hatt Covid-19

En omfattende forskningsstudie skal finne ut hvor mange i Norge som faktisk har antistoffer mot koronaviruset.

Ikke i tvil om at Northzone vil investere

Forskningsparken er et relevant sted å være for oss, sier partner Bjørn Stray. Han er ikke i tvil om at Northzone kommer til å investere i noen av selskapene som holder til her.

Nye verdiøkende arbeidsplasser

Det er to hovedoppgaver vi skal løse i Oslo Science City, sa Idar Kreutzer: Vi skal akselerere det grønne skiftet OG vi skal skape nye verdiøkende arbeidsplasser.

Bjørn Erik Reinseth ny adm. direktør i Forskningsparken

Bjørn Erik Reinseth er av styret i Oslotech ansatt som ny administrerende direktør i selskapet etter Karl-Christian Agerup som har ledet selskapet de siste 10 årene.

Statsminister med høye forventninger

- De som lykkes med å utvikle samfunnet sitt, har tort å tenke nytt. De har tort å investere i en fremtid, tort å utvikle seg. De har tort å ta sjanser, sa statsminister Erna Solberg på pressemøtet for lanseringen av Oslo Science City

GE Healthcare inn i ny lab i Forskningsparken

GE Healthcare driver innovasjon og utvikling i Norge og betjener årlig 90 millioner pasienter globalt med diagnose og legemidler. Nå flytter de inn i nybygget lab i Forskningsparken i Oslo.

Utviklet selvbetjeningsløsning sammen med sin første kunde

Tidemann Norli og Dexter Smith eier og driver selskapet ninito. De har utviklet en selvbetjeningsløsning for restaurantbransjen, slik de har hos McDonalds.

Hvordan bli en magnet for innovasjon?

Norges første innovasjonsdistrikt – Oslo Science City – ble etablert våren 2019. Nå skal området utvikles videre med arbeidsplasser, boliger og kultur- og servicefunksjoner.

Covid-19: Tryggere tilbake til jobb med Vitas' hjemmetest for antistoffer

Vitas er en anerkjent analyselab i Forskningsparken. Med 26 års erfaring i analyse og med utstrakt internasjonal forsknings- og utviklingsaktivitet har de jobbet på høygir siden mars med støtte fra skattefunnprogrammet til Norges forskningsråd.

Stor interesse for ny forskning

På Impact Breakfast i Forskningsparken møtes forskere, investorer og entreprenører

Recycling in Oslo Science Park

In the recycling station in U1, right by the exit from the garage, you will find containers for waste. There, you can dispose of special waste such as glass, porcelain, metal, electronic waste, and batteries.

Cutting Edge Festival 2019 - Alt.Future

Cutting Edge festivalen har på kort tid etablert seg som en festival som teknologinteresserte valfarter til for å få med seg de nyeste trendene globalt, og samlet i fjor over 1000 mennesker.

Nystiftede Nordic Brain Tech

Cathrine Ro Heuch er CEO i nystiftede Nordic Brain Tech AS som utvikler en forskningsbasert tjeneste, en hjemmebehandling som virker forebyggende mot migrene.

Ny sjef med drømmebakgrunn

Selskapet Amicoat i Forskningsparken produserer et bakteriedrepende stoff som er forsket frem ved Universitetet i Tromsø.

Fra IoT til industriell ultralyd

Sigurd Øyen er ny i Forskningsparken, og klar for oppdrag innen ultralyd og elektronikkdesign.

Hun vil dra kolleger inn i fremtiden

Lege Ida Susanna Fattah mener vi står ovenfor et tapt potensiale.

Ny i Forskningsparken

Ole Martin Odland og Nordcad flyttet inn i Forskningsparken i april. De leverer software til elektronikkutvikling og er fornøyd med å ha landet her.

Oivi vil forhindre at diabetikere blir blinde

– Dette stedet er en slags magnet for flinke folk og ambisjoner, sier Anders Eikenes utenfor kontorene i Forskningsparken. Han er i gang med sitt andre oppstartsselskap.

Oslo Science Park's history

Forskningsparken (Oslo Science Park) was officially opened in 1989. Below you will find a timeline of selected highlights in our history.

Ledidi Core: Sikker deling av forsknings- og helsedata

Se for deg at en gruppe forskere ved flere ulike institusjoner skal samarbeide. Da trenger de tilgang på hverandres data på en enkel måte, samtidig som sikkerhet og personvern blir ivaretatt. Det norske selskapet Ledidi har funnet en løsning.

New innovation hub for students

UiO iHub is a new space for innovative students at Oslo Science Park. The hub is run by students with support from the UiO Growth House and the University of Oslo.

Oslo, Home of the Spray Can

Did you know that the spray can was invented in Oslo?

New 87 square meter mural unveiled

If you continue along Gaustadalléen past the entrance to Oslo Science Park, you can now see an original artwork by the renowned British artist Xenz. The mural is a gift to Oslo from the Tekna Oslo department.

Unique opportunities for growth companies at Oslo Science Park

Over 3,000 people from academia, research and business have their daily workplace in Oslo Science Park, midway between Gaustad and Blindern in Oslo. Our tenants form a unique ecosystem for innovation, value creation and commercialization of research.

Kavli Prize Winners in Oslo Science Park

The Kavli Prize is awarded annually to eight of the world's leading researchers in astrophysics, neuroscience and nanoscience. This year's award winners in nanoscience gave their laureate lectures at Oslo Science Park.

Photoncycle: Dreaming of eternal sunshine

The problem is as simple as the solution is complicated: How to make the solar energy last until winter? Bjørn Brandtzæg and Photoncycle believe they have the solution that can make private households self-sufficient in electricity.

Exhibition on the history of the spray can and street art

Did you know that the spray can was invented in Oslo? "Oslo, Home of the Spray Can" is an exhibition with historical objects, archival documentation and curated artworks that pays tribute to Erik Rotheim's invention from 1926 and the art movements it formed the basis for - graffiti and later street art.

The kindergarten welcomes insects

The initiative to replace the grass lawns surrounding Oslo Science Park with flower meadows started in the summer of 2023. This will benefit the area's biological diversity and provide an insect sanctuary. Now, the children at Forskningsparken Montessori kindergarten are working on their own accommodation for small critters.

Get to know the neighborhood!

Oslo Science Park and the surrounding neighborhood are host to multiple science and research institutes, academic institutions, and innovative companies. And believe it or not, the area also boasts a few attractions beyond the workplace!

Årsrapport for 2023

Der forskning møter næringsliv.

"Make sure to attract investors who listen to you. The best investors are experts in their field, but they are also aware of what they do not know."

As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to say yes to everything and everyone offering you financing. But think twice before entering a partnership with someone who cannot add value to the company in terms of expertise, is the message from Pekka Simula from Innovestor.

Meet future entrepreneurs at the Norwegian Championship for Student Companies

On June 6th, students from all over the country will gather at Oslo Science Park to compete for the title of "Norway's best student company". They will also gain unique experiences for the future.

Duck on the Roof

They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Maybe so, but we can at least say that we currently have one, and soon more birds in the bushes at Oslo Science Park.

La ideer bli til godt profesjonelt innhold i Health2B-studioet

Visste du at Health2B har et fantastisk bra lyd- og filmstudio?

Mapping DNA in all Norwegian species

"The biological diversity of Earth is threatened. Understanding and preserving species will therefore be crucial for the survival and prosperity of humanity," says a professor at the University of Oslo. The Norwegian part of the global Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) is now gathering forces from all of academic Norway, as well as representatives from the business sector, to DNA sequence everything from ferns to bears.

New dPCR core facility in ShareLab

On a mission to establish dPCR as a mainstream technology in the Norwegian biotech industry, QIAGEN has selected ShareLab as the base for a new “industrial core facility”.

Co-Create: Creative student innovation

The coffee tables are made of pallets, and there are an above-average number of post-it notes in circulation when a group of students is gathered at Oslo Science Park for some "design thinking". Co-Create is a joint initiative by and for colleges and universities in the Oslo area where students are encouraged to solve real world problems through entrepreneurship and startups.

HealthHACK: Students on the hunt for intelligent health solutions

For the third consecutive year, OsloMet recently organized HealthHACK. This time it was in collaboration with The Life Science Cluster in Oslo Science Park. Students were challenged with real issues related to health and technology.

Launching a new network for women in health and life sciences

Women in Life Science Norway – WiLD Norway for short – is a membership network for professional exchange, mentorship, board training, networking events, and resources to help women achieve their full potential in leadership and board roles.

Power and the capital gap: Lise Fulland on why 9 of 10 entrepreneurs are men

One wouldn't think that one's gender impacts your choice to start a company. Nevertheless, according to 2020 data, 89% of all Norwegian companies are started by men, and 99% of all funding goes to male teams*. Despite grim statistics, Investment Partner at Startuplab, Lise Fulland, sees positive trends. But nothing happens on its own.

Connecting Nordic Life Science hot spots

How can the connections between Nordic life science hot spots like Oslo and Gothenburg be strengthened? And what does it take for the Nordics to truly embrace its joint critical mass of talent and innovative power on a global scale?

Testing cuff-free blood pressure measurement

Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of several diseases, and since high blood pressure can easily go unnoticed, it makes sense to measure it occasionally. But have you ever noticed feeling a bit more tense when the blood pressure cuff tightens around your arm? At the Health2B offices in Oslo Science Park, volunteers have tested a new type of blood pressure monitor – without the cuff.

Government initiative for the export of health industry launched at Oslo Science Park

This month, representatives from the entire spectrum of the Norwegian health industry gathered in Oslo Science Park's Trappa. Ministers Jan Kristian Vestre and Ingvild Kjerkhol presented 15 measures aimed at doubling the export revenues for the health industry by 2030.

Matnyttig: How to attract and retain foreign employees?

Two-thirds of all Norwegian companies lack important expertise, according to NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise). To assert ourselves in the competition for the sharpest minds, it is time to sharpen our efforts, says Mari Strømsvåg from the Oslo Region Alliance.

Find your community!

Over 3000 people work in Oslo Science Park. The chance that some of them share your interests, hobbies or goals is high. How about connecting with them? Oslo Science Park is now launching the new concept “Micro Communities” for all tenants in the park.

Introducing the Forskningsparken Community Fund

Oslo Science Park is now launching the "Forskningsparken Community Fund", an initiative made to encourage collaborative and community-driven activities. This fund is open to all members looking to meet over a shared interest or passion!

"Blue hydrogen is crucial for climate change."

Behind partially closed doors on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you'll find a maze of copper pipes, flasks, test tubes, nozzles, meters, and hoses. Here, researchers from the University of Oslo's Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) work. Among other things, they are trying to find solutions to our need for sustainable energy.

From Startuplab to one of the country's leading E-health companies

"It's going to be an uphill battle," was the feedback the founders faced at the beginning. Now, Diffia simplifies the daily lives of healthcare professionals and patients at several hospitals.

"We do this because it's necessary, not easy."

Norwegian company Aiba is developing technology to prevent online abuse against children. They have a unique product that people around the world need.

Targeting the root causes of inflammation and fibrosis

Arxx Therapeutics is merging with Oxitope Pharma and securing 862 million NOK from investors to finance the development of a new treatment for systemic sclerosis. The merged company will be named Calluna Pharma.

Hardwarelab: Build, test, repeat

If you walk through the glass corridor on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you will encounter something resembling a zoo for tech enthusiasts. It's Startuplab's workshop, Hardwarelab. Here, prototypes are developed, tested, modified, discarded—or end up as successful products.

Anette Sauve i Vitas lokaler

The Control Tower of Pharmaceuticals

At the top of Block A in Oslo Science Park sits the pharmaceutical industry's answer to Petter Smart and Aunt Sophie: the biotechnology company Vitas. There, highly skilled employees, including a group of robots, ensure that the medicines we use contain what they should.

Repair Café at the park

Together with Startuplab, Restarters Norway & Elkjøp we hosted Repair Café in Parken Bakeri. A total of 8 fixers helped fix a nerf-gun, an amplifier, a Luxo-lamp, a coffee grinder and much more. 

Halloween Party 2023

Takk til alle som deltok på årets Halloween Party og for innsatsen med flotte kostymer.

Collaborating with the world's largest battery manufacturers

Cenate develops and produces world-leading technology that aims to replace graphite in today's batteries.

Jens dropped out of school—now he creates teaching tools for teachers worldwide.

Curipod has combined AI and education, creating a teaching tool that fosters engagement in the classroom.

Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug

"To be part of starting something from nothing, to create the culture from scratch, that's what I want," asserts Heidi Frost Eriksen, the leader of Simli. Simli is the third company she has helped build, but before Heidi Frost Eriksen was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, she wasn't clear about what she wanted in life.

ShareLab: Scientists for Hire

If you're in need of an extra set of hands and skillset for your project but can't hire someone full-time, ShareLab might have the solution for you. Their "Scientist for Hire" service has been successfully running for a few years already.

Testing-one-two: Get the most out of your user testing

In UX-designer María Maurstad Ævarsdóttir’s experience, you can never be over-prepared when doing user testing. You should even test your own test! This is her step-by-step guide to success.

How they became world leaders in blood analysis

Biotech company Vitas is now a world leader in automated analysis of dried blood. Their story is as much a story about Oslo Science Park.

Med hjerte for realfag

Stadig færre elever i videregående skole velger spesialisering i matematikk, kjemi og fysikk. Samtidig svarer 8 av 10 ungdommer at realfag er viktig for samfunnet. Kan vi be dem velge utdanning med fornuft framfor lyst? Og er det pisk eller gulrot som må til? Fire personer med hjerte for realfag har svært ulike svar på det.

Paving the Way for the Health Industry

The government's investment in the health industry has been long anticipated, and the recently launched roadmap is a good description of the terrain but also has some shortcomings, according to key players.

Nå kan du pante i Forskningsparken

Unibottle tester i disse dager ut sin panteløsning for privatpersoner og bedrifter hvor du har muligheten til å levere panten rett i deres Unibox pantekontainer her i Forskningsparken og få panten rett inn på egen konto.

Get your vaccines checked out

"Don't believe that everyone else knows best. You have to dare to take the lead yourself! You learn so much more by trying and failing. Regardless, you can't expect everything to be perfect from the start."

Fighting battery fires in waste sorting

"We spoke with an experienced entrepreneur in the USA earlier this year, and he said, 'Have fun and get shit done!' That's something we try to remember."

Developing next generation of sunscreens

"Don’t give up! It is going to be harder than you think and take longer than you imagine, but my experience is that it all usually works out in the end."

Biodiversity at Oslo Science Park

Green spaces and biodiversity may not be what you most associate with Oslo Science Park. But did you know that there is both a pond, a stream, green roofs, and soon a flower meadow that contribute to creating life in the area around the park?

5 good reasons to choose a green commute to Oslo Science Park

People working in Oslo Science Park are more likely than others to choose environmentally friendly means of transportation to and from work, shows a survey from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences and The Institute of Transport Economics from 2018. Maybe because it is easy to achieve?  

Developing smart and rehabilitative beehives

Frenchman Christophe Brod left the telecommunications industry and dove right into the beekeeping industry. Now he and Beefutures are ready to initiate a small revolution in beehives.

Don't let your phone steal your sleep.

"Do you bring your phone into the bedroom? Is it the first thing you pick up when you wake up? If you also struggle with sleep, it might be wise to change routines, say the founders of Selah Sleep, Christine Øvstedal and Maria With Hoen."

Reusing your old electric vehicle battery

Discarded electric vehicle batteries are becoming a massive problem, and Evyon wants to fully utilize this "waste."

Don't let waste go to waste

Are you good at sorting your waste at work? The numbers show that you probably have some room for improvement. In 2022, everyone working in Oslo Science Park sorted about 55% of their waste. That means almost half of what was thrown away ended up in general waste.

Svinnet forsvinner

Det er i snitt 600 mennesker innom de to kantinene i Forskningsparken hver dag. Da gjelder det å beregne nok, men ikke for mye mat.

På jakt etter strømtyven

- Det er ikke alltid de mest synlige tiltakene som er de meste effektive, sier Erik Ersnes. Han er teknisk sjef for Forskningsparken og har god oversikt over energiforbruket i parken.

Aleap does something no other health incubators do

While other health incubators specialize, Aleap has kept its doors open to various fields. This approach has led to success. Now, they have doubled their office space and continue to grow with nearly 60 companies in their stable.

ShareLab has six new lab suites

There is a high level of activity at the lab incubator ShareLab, and now capacity is even better. At the same time, the first companies are on their way out of the "nest".

In search of clean water

"By combining traditional fields of expertise in new ways, you can find solutions to many problems," says the company's leader, Helene Ree Ruden.

Creating innovative solutions for the healthcare sector

Health2B is a new arena where public and private actors in the healthcare industry can come together to solve tomorrow's challenges.

Reinventing the microphone

Sverre Dale Moen was involved in establishing the tech success Chipcon in 1996. Now he is the CEO of SensiBel. What these companies have in common is that they emerge from researchers at SINTEF and have favorable growth conditions in Forskningsparken.

Driven by the desire to create world-class ventures

According to Odd Skarheim, the key to sustaining the growth of Norwegian startups and entrepreneurial businesses lies in the "simple" step of achieving success stories. The serial entrepreneur's main motivation is the desire to create something of top-notch quality.

"Suddenly, the innovations are there, and then you have to seize them."

Oslo Science Park is now gearing up to make it easier for researchers and students to bring their ideas into the world.

"Leader for a day"

This year, we had the pleasure of hosting 3 young leader talents who shadowed 3 top executives in Oslo Science Park as part of "Leader for a Day," an annual initiative by Ungt Entreprenørskap.

Bringing Norwegian vaccine technolgy to the world

Groundbreaking vaccines against cancer, infectious diseases, and the coronavirus are being developed at Oslo Science Park. The road to success has been unnecessarily steep, according to Norway's most successful biotechnology entrepreneur.

Forget classrooms and dull training videos

What do Equinor, Circle K, and Norwegian psychiatry have in common? They are all highly enthusiastic about the games developed by Attensi, growing from Oslo Science Park.

Aleap blant de 25 beste biotech inkubatorene i Europa

For første gang er Aleap inne på sin liste over de 25 beste biotech inkubatorene i Europa.

Vaccibody bygger milliardverdier i Forskningsparken

Vaccibody er en av Norges ledende biotekselskaper. Selskapet har en banebrytende teknologiplattform som brukes innenfor blant annet vaksiner mot kreft og infeksjonssykdommer.

Tester hvor mange som har hatt Covid-19

En omfattende forskningsstudie skal finne ut hvor mange i Norge som faktisk har antistoffer mot koronaviruset.

Ikke i tvil om at Northzone vil investere

Forskningsparken er et relevant sted å være for oss, sier partner Bjørn Stray. Han er ikke i tvil om at Northzone kommer til å investere i noen av selskapene som holder til her.

Nye verdiøkende arbeidsplasser

Det er to hovedoppgaver vi skal løse i Oslo Science City, sa Idar Kreutzer: Vi skal akselerere det grønne skiftet OG vi skal skape nye verdiøkende arbeidsplasser.

Bjørn Erik Reinseth ny adm. direktør i Forskningsparken

Bjørn Erik Reinseth er av styret i Oslotech ansatt som ny administrerende direktør i selskapet etter Karl-Christian Agerup som har ledet selskapet de siste 10 årene.

Statsminister med høye forventninger

- De som lykkes med å utvikle samfunnet sitt, har tort å tenke nytt. De har tort å investere i en fremtid, tort å utvikle seg. De har tort å ta sjanser, sa statsminister Erna Solberg på pressemøtet for lanseringen av Oslo Science City

GE Healthcare inn i ny lab i Forskningsparken

GE Healthcare driver innovasjon og utvikling i Norge og betjener årlig 90 millioner pasienter globalt med diagnose og legemidler. Nå flytter de inn i nybygget lab i Forskningsparken i Oslo.

Utviklet selvbetjeningsløsning sammen med sin første kunde

Tidemann Norli og Dexter Smith eier og driver selskapet ninito. De har utviklet en selvbetjeningsløsning for restaurantbransjen, slik de har hos McDonalds.

Hvordan bli en magnet for innovasjon?

Norges første innovasjonsdistrikt – Oslo Science City – ble etablert våren 2019. Nå skal området utvikles videre med arbeidsplasser, boliger og kultur- og servicefunksjoner.

Covid-19: Tryggere tilbake til jobb med Vitas' hjemmetest for antistoffer

Vitas er en anerkjent analyselab i Forskningsparken. Med 26 års erfaring i analyse og med utstrakt internasjonal forsknings- og utviklingsaktivitet har de jobbet på høygir siden mars med støtte fra skattefunnprogrammet til Norges forskningsråd.

Stor interesse for ny forskning

På Impact Breakfast i Forskningsparken møtes forskere, investorer og entreprenører

Recycling in Oslo Science Park

In the recycling station in U1, right by the exit from the garage, you will find containers for waste. There, you can dispose of special waste such as glass, porcelain, metal, electronic waste, and batteries.

Cutting Edge Festival 2019 - Alt.Future

Cutting Edge festivalen har på kort tid etablert seg som en festival som teknologinteresserte valfarter til for å få med seg de nyeste trendene globalt, og samlet i fjor over 1000 mennesker.

Nystiftede Nordic Brain Tech

Cathrine Ro Heuch er CEO i nystiftede Nordic Brain Tech AS som utvikler en forskningsbasert tjeneste, en hjemmebehandling som virker forebyggende mot migrene.

Ny sjef med drømmebakgrunn

Selskapet Amicoat i Forskningsparken produserer et bakteriedrepende stoff som er forsket frem ved Universitetet i Tromsø.

Fra IoT til industriell ultralyd

Sigurd Øyen er ny i Forskningsparken, og klar for oppdrag innen ultralyd og elektronikkdesign.

Hun vil dra kolleger inn i fremtiden

Lege Ida Susanna Fattah mener vi står ovenfor et tapt potensiale.

Ny i Forskningsparken

Ole Martin Odland og Nordcad flyttet inn i Forskningsparken i april. De leverer software til elektronikkutvikling og er fornøyd med å ha landet her.

Oivi vil forhindre at diabetikere blir blinde

– Dette stedet er en slags magnet for flinke folk og ambisjoner, sier Anders Eikenes utenfor kontorene i Forskningsparken. Han er i gang med sitt andre oppstartsselskap.

Oslo Science Park's history

Forskningsparken (Oslo Science Park) was officially opened in 1989. Below you will find a timeline of selected highlights in our history.