Companies in Oslo Science Park

In Oslo Science Park, you'll find over 300 different companies, startups, research institutes, and networks within fields such as life sciences, health, technology, and energy.

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Get to know the neighborhood!

Oslo Science Park and the surrounding neighborhood are host to multiple science and research institutes, academic institutions, and innovative companies. And believe it or not, the area also boasts a few attractions beyond the workplace!

Årsrapport for 2023

Der forskning møter næringsliv.

"Make sure to attract investors who listen to you. The best investors are experts in their field, but they are also aware of what they do not know."

As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to say yes to everything and everyone offering you financing. But think twice before entering a partnership with someone who cannot add value to the company in terms of expertise, is the message from Pekka Simula from Innovestor.

Meet future entrepreneurs at the Norwegian Championship for Student Companies

On June 6th, students from all over the country will gather at Oslo Science Park to compete for the title of "Norway's best student company". They will also gain unique experiences for the future.

Duck on the Roof

They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Maybe so, but we can at least say that we currently have one, and soon more birds in the bushes at Oslo Science Park.

La ideer bli til godt profesjonelt innhold i Health2B-studioet

Visste du at Health2B har et fantastisk bra lyd- og filmstudio?

New dPCR core facility in ShareLab

On a mission to establish dPCR as a mainstream technology in the Norwegian biotech industry, QIAGEN has selected ShareLab as the base for a new “industrial core facility”.

Mapping DNA in all Norwegian species

"The biological diversity of Earth is threatened. Understanding and preserving species will therefore be crucial for the survival and prosperity of humanity," says a professor at the University of Oslo. The Norwegian part of the global Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) is now gathering forces from all of academic Norway, as well as representatives from the business sector, to DNA sequence everything from ferns to bears.

HealthHACK: Students on the hunt for intelligent health solutions

For the third consecutive year, OsloMet recently organized HealthHACK. This time it was in collaboration with The Life Science Cluster in Oslo Science Park. Students were challenged with real issues related to health and technology.

Co-Create: Creative student innovation

The coffee tables are made of pallets, and there are an above-average number of post-it notes in circulation when a group of students is gathered at Oslo Science Park for some "design thinking". Co-Create is a joint initiative by and for colleges and universities in the Oslo area where students are encouraged to solve real world problems through entrepreneurship and startups.

Launching a new network for women in health and life sciences

Women in Life Science Norway – WiLD Norway for short – is a membership network for professional exchange, mentorship, board training, networking events, and resources to help women achieve their full potential in leadership and board roles.

Power and the capital gap: Lise Fulland on why 9 of 10 entrepreneurs are men

One wouldn't think that one's gender impacts your choice to start a company. Nevertheless, according to 2020 data, 89% of all Norwegian companies are started by men, and 99% of all funding goes to male teams*. Despite grim statistics, Investment Partner at Startuplab, Lise Fulland, sees positive trends. But nothing happens on its own.

Connecting Nordic Life Science hot spots

How can the connections between Nordic life science hot spots like Oslo and Gothenburg be strengthened? And what does it take for the Nordics to truly embrace its joint critical mass of talent and innovative power on a global scale?

Testing cuff-free blood pressure measurement

Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of several diseases, and since high blood pressure can easily go unnoticed, it makes sense to measure it occasionally. But have you ever noticed feeling a bit more tense when the blood pressure cuff tightens around your arm? At the Health2B offices in Oslo Science Park, volunteers have tested a new type of blood pressure monitor – without the cuff.

Government initiative for the export of health industry launched at Oslo Science Park

This month, representatives from the entire spectrum of the Norwegian health industry gathered in Oslo Science Park's Trappa. Ministers Jan Kristian Vestre and Ingvild Kjerkhol presented 15 measures aimed at doubling the export revenues for the health industry by 2030.