
Turning research and knowledge into products and services that benefit society.

Inven2 is a limited liability company owned by the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, and was established to administer the commercial potential of inventions and work results of these two institutions and all the health trusts in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority.

Research and knowledge are the keys to addressing global challenges relating to health, climate and the environment. Competent researchers and clinicians from the University of Oslo and the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority submit ideas and inventions to Inven2. This makes us one of Norway’s biggest technology transfer offices.

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News about Inven2

HealthHACK: Students on the hunt for intelligent health solutions

For the third consecutive year, OsloMet recently organized HealthHACK. This time it was in collaboration with The Life Science Cluster in Oslo Science Park. Students were challenged with real issues related to health and technology.