Impact Breakfast

Future Food: Rethinking food systems to sustain tomorrow’s plate

To feed a growing population we need more sustainable food production, and we need to utilize existing resources better. This requires a transformation of the food system and the development of novel technologies and sources for food. How will this impact what we eat in the future?

Meet researchers from SINTEF and UiO, along with startups from Oslo Science Park, who are pioneering new methods of food production. The event will feature brief presentations, a Q&A session, and an opportunity to interact with the speakers afterwards.


The UiO Growth House on behalf of the University of Oslo
SINTEF Digital on behalf of SINTEF
Oslo Science Park


Hanne Haslene-Hox, Senior scientist, SINTEF

Melinka Butenko, professor, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo

Defne Belgin, CEO, Moreshrooms

Jon Funderud, Research & Innovation Manager, Seaweed Solutions

Anna Turvoll, CEO, Volür

Anne-Marie Korseberg Stokke
Marketing & Content Manager