The history of Oslo Science Park

Oslo Science Park was officially opened in 1989. Since then, it has become a leading center for growth, innovation, and development.

When Oslo Science Park was first established, there were no similar facilities in Norway. The idea was to facilitate the commercialization of research-based results. A science park was intended to be a tool to strengthen collaboration between industry and research. The notion that industry and business on one side and research communities on the other side should collaborate on this, represented a shift in the narrative of innovation.

History milestones

Innovasjonssenteret A/S was founded in 1984 and was operational from the summer of 1985. In 1990, Innovasjonssenteret merged with the Research Foundation in the Oslo region (FOSFOR) and was renamed Forskningsparken AS. The new company was already located in new premises in Gaustadbekkdalen, and since then, this building has grown into today's Oslo Science Park. Oslotech AS operates Oslo Science Park and has initiated and owns wholly or partially various initiatives such as Startuplab, Aleap, ShareLab, and several growth initiatives.

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Oslo Science Park's history

Forskningsparken (Oslo Science Park) was officially opened in 1989. Below you will find a timeline of selected highlights in our history.

Bjørn Erik Reinseth ny adm. direktør i Forskningsparken

Bjørn Erik Reinseth er av styret i Oslotech ansatt som ny administrerende direktør i selskapet etter Karl-Christian Agerup som har ledet selskapet de siste 10 årene.

Cutting Edge Festival 2019 - Alt.Future

Cutting Edge festivalen har på kort tid etablert seg som en festival som teknologinteresserte valfarter til for å få med seg de nyeste trendene globalt, og samlet i fjor over 1000 mennesker.